Monday, December 23, 2019

Rally for #freepublictransit with food distribution!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The case for free public transit in Toronto

Free public transit is a growing movement around the world.

According to Free Public Transit: And Why We Don’t Pay To Ride Elevators, there are 200 cities around the world with some form of fare-free transit, and 97 that are completely fare-free.

Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, implemented free transit in 2013, and it was adopted nationwide last year. Luxembourg is another country where transit is free. The idea has also gained traction in the United States. Kansas City is set to become the first major city in North America with free public transit. On December 5, their city council voted unanimously to eliminate bus fares.
Fare-free transit makes sense. Basic mobility is essential for all people for work, household tasks and broader participation in society. Transit should be accessible to all as a public service. After all, we don’t charge user fees for libraries, parks, schools and healthcare. 

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Dallas has free streetcars, what about Ottawa City?

Friday, December 13, 2019

Broadview, 190 year-old magazine, calls for #freepublictransit

But a step forward is not enough; a leap is needed. In September 2018, the city of Dunkirk, France, made public transit completely free for all, funded by a transport tax on companies. Within a month, the city saw ridership increase by up to 85 percent on certain routes. Dozens of other French cities have taken similar measures, and German cities are aiming for it as well. Meanwhile, Estonia introduced free public transit for the entire country in 2018, and Luxembourg plans to do the same in 2020. 
Canadian municipalities and provinces need to pursue these sorts of bold, material solutions to the flaws in our transit systems. Doing so will lessen our carbon footprint. Just as importantly, it will open our cities up so that everyone can access them, not just those who can afford to buy a car. 

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Ottawa #freetransit event January 22

Monday, December 9, 2019

Should we introduce fares to reduce hospital or school crowding?

Brantford children under 12 ride #publictransit fare-free

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Toronto is being "strangled" by the unsustainable #autosprawl system

Mayor John Tory is proposing a significant tax hike in order to fund billions of dollars in investments in transit and housing, a move that he says is necessary to ensure the city continues to prosper and doesn’t begin to “strangle itself” amid continued growth.
The cost of supporting the auto and sprawl system has never been sustainable. When oil was cheaper, this massive growth project was built on energy-subsidy and debt. Now the bill is due. There is only one solution -- unwind the system. Start by making buses fare-free. (Fare-free means no fare, just like fat-free or sugar-free).

When buses are fare-free (zero-fare), more will ride. The savings will begin immediately. A 1% increase in ridership in a city of 1 million would save citizens $5 million a year in petrol alone! Other costs could be cut. For example, how much is your city spending on parking - including parking enforcement? See this blog on how fossil fuel, autos, and sprawl are subsidized. 

Oshawa group has launched a campaign advocating for zero fare transit

OSHAWA — An Oshawa group has launched a campaign advocating for zero fare transit in Durham Region in an effort to battle climate change and fight economic inequality in the region. 
Jesse Cullen and Lucian Mailloux are executive committee members of We Are Oshawa, an Oshawa organization that advocates for progressive causes, which launched the campaign in November. 
“To us, we can’t afford not to do it,” said Cullen. “We know that ridership increases when fares are decreased and ridership drives routes and ridership drives funding from the province and the feds so funding will come with ridership and we hope that this is the type of thing that pays for itself.” 

Monday, December 2, 2019

The cost of cars in Ontario

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free transit not a new idea in Toronto

Friday, November 22, 2019

September 2018 public transit debate

Beware of high-profile opportunists

How poor people are hurt by car-only culture @WeAreOshawa #zerofaretransit


Wednesday, November 13, 2019

October 2018, Sarah Climenhaga, Toronto mayoral candidate, called for fare-free #publictransit for seniors

Environmental activist Sarah Climenhaga proposed making transit free for senior citizens, citing the success of Mayor Tory’s policy that allows kids 12 and younger to ride without paying.
“...I think we’ve seen how well free transit for children has worked. Now it’s time to have free transit for seniors,” Climenhaga said. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Cars costs are draining Ontario

Toronto reduced-fare study shows dramatic benefits

These discounts have made a transformational difference, according to a consultant’s report coming before Mayor John Tory’s executive committee this week. Before they received the cheaper fares, just 55 per cent of people eligible for the program who were surveyed said they were able to take transit as much as they’d like. After getting and using the discounts, that number jumped to 90 per cent.
And the transit trips they’re able to make now are important ones. The number of survey respondents indicating they can work or volunteer as much as they’d like leapt from 36 per cent to 72 per cent after the pass launched. 

Liberal leadership candidate Michael Coteau promising free public transit to help curb climate change

“Our actions must be bold and decisive ... I believe, as a principle, that like other public services in Ontario, public transit should be free at the point of access,” he said.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Poor people cannot afford the bus

How #zerofaretransit would help in the struggle to survive and improve quality of life

Report on AAP's Community Forum on Free Transit

July 13, 2017

Report on the AAP Transit Forum of June 3, 2017 (by Richard Walsh, AAP member)
The AAP Free-Transit Forum was held on June 3rd in the accessible church hall of Historic St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on Queen St. So., Kitchener. The purpose was to launch a political strategy to establish free public transit for low-income individuals in Waterloo Region. Approximately 50 people participated in the event beyond AAP members and volunteers.
After some brief introductory remarks from AAP member Richard Walsh as the event moderator, two speakers set the moral tone for the Forum: AAP member Regan Brussé shared her personal experience as a mother of three in trying to manage transportation for necessities. By way of precedents, she noted at least two Canadian cities have introduced drastically reduced (Calgary) or free public transit (Kingston). Then Joe Mancini of the Working Centre in Kitchener underscored the importance of affordable public transit for all in the Region.
Next, in five groups participants first discussed what they thought of the AAP proposal to make public transit free for low-income people. Each group then elected a member to report to the whole group what their group had discussed before moving to the second issue, namely, their views on what political action should be taken to achieve this goal.
Views on the Proposal for Free Transit
Some participants reported that given the escalating cost of living and the low rates of public assistance, transit costs make it difficult to get out into the community and to “access social amenities.” Many agreed that this is a common experience that worsens individuals’ mental health. Some said the reverse is also true: Affordable transit enhances social inclusion, which makes people feel part of the community.
Others noted that, with many of the social agencies in the region being located outside of core areas, affordable transit is a necessity. In fact, two groups stressed that affordable transit is a human right. As a matter of social justice, other participants added, the Region has already invested billions in the LRT, so it’s only right that everyone, regardless of income, can use it and the buses. In addition, some people noted the environmental benefits of free transit: Increased reliance on public transit that is made much more affordable by reducing or eliminating fares also reduces per capita pollutants and carbon emissions. 

Friday, November 8, 2019

Fare-free means no user fee, user fees are for rationing, not revenue

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Monday, November 4, 2019

Toronto should have fare-free #publictransit #zerofaretransit

Sunday, September 29, 2019

#climatestrike calls for #freetransit

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Monday, July 15, 2019

Writer suggests fare-free public transit for Waterloo, ON region

What a ride.
In its first 11 days of operation, our new light-rail transit system carried almost 300,000 passengers.
It’s a phenomenal, applause-worthy achievement that surpassed initial ridership projections.

Of course, the service for those 11 days was also free. Which begs the question, if we can attract this many transit users during a brief period of free fares, shouldn’t public transport be fare-free all the time?